Our Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your data and respecting your privacy rights.

The purpose of this page is to explain how we can collect and use information about you through interactions with us, including the use of this site and other software developed by us.

Any use of this information is governed by the principles and practices set out in this release.

The current legislation on the processing of personal data, defined in accordance with the provisions contained in the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter also GDPR), contains provisions aimed at ensuring the processing of personal data and sensitive data - as best defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, hereinafter jointly "Data" - as well as the fundamental freedoms of natural persons with regard to the right to protection of their data.

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, we therefore wish to provide the following information note, in a simplified form.

Purpose of the treatment
In compliance with the obligations provided for by current legislation, art. 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that ISGroup Srl, Via Cantarane, 14 - Verona (VR)- Italy, The data controller (hereinafter also the Data Controller), carries out the processing of your personal data, in a lawful, correct and transparent manner, directly or through third parties appointed to within the scope of its activity, with purposes strictly connected both to the management of commercial relationships, and in compliance with obligations established by laws, internal regulations and community rules.

In particular, personal data are processed within the framework of normal activity of the Data Controller, for the pursuit of the following purposes:

  • correct and complete execution of the obligations of the contractual relationship in place (hereinafter, collectively, the "contractual relationship");
  • administrative and accounting obligations strictly connected to the contractual relationship;
  • fulfillment of specific obligations established by law, by a regulation or by EU legislation (e.g. I, those provided for in the matter of "anti-money laundering", regulations and Provisions issued by the Supervisory Authority);
  • updating of the interested party on promotional and commercial initiatives, by sending advertising and / or promotional material, by e-mail ("newsletter").
Processing methods and data retention times

Data processing is carried out with electronic tools and / or without the aid of the same; the treatment is also carried out with logics and forms of organization strictly connected to the obligations, tasks and purposes of the treatment itself.

Your data will be stored in a time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed; in particular, the Data will be kept for a period determined on the basis of criteria based on the nature and duration of the contractual relationship and on the needs to protect the interests of the counterparty.

The data necessary for sending the Newsletter will be processed with a so-called "OPT-OUT" management model, therefore until the interested party explicitly declares that he no longer wishes to continue receiving messages and consequently exercises the right of cancellation from the mailing list.

In any case, the Data Controller will take every care to avoid an indefinite use of the data itself, proceeding periodically to adequately verify the effective persistence of the interest of the subject to whom the data refers.

Natura del conferimento ed eventuali conseguenze del rifiuto

Tutti i Dati raccolti nell’ambito del presente trattamento, anche tramite terzi, saranno funzionali all’attività sopra specificata, ed un eventuale suo rifiuto totale e/o parziale al loro conferimento, così il mancato consenso al loro trattamento, comporterebbe l’impossibilità di poter svolgere l’attività e fornire le prestazioni richieste.

Inoltre potrà fornire facoltativamente il suo consenso per trattare i suoi Dati per le seguenti finalità:

  • organizzazione di eventi, incontri, convegni e seminari, anche volti alla formazione professionale;
  • attività di marketing di vario tipo, inclusa la promozione di servizi professionali, la distribuzione di materiale a carattere informativo, l’invio di newsletter e pubblicazioni.
Persone autorizzate al trattamento dei Suoi Dati – Comunicazione e diffusione dei Dati

The collected data are processed by the personnel in charge (employees and collaborators of the Data Controller) who need to have knowledge of them in carrying out their activities and by external subjects who may act as co-owners and data processors according to the cases.

The professionals who collaborate with ISGroup Srl and its staff will also have to view your personal data and in general any other information provided by you.

The Data may also be communicated, within the limits strictly pertinent to the aforementioned obligations, tasks and purposes as well as for management / administrative obligations, to the Inland Revenue, to the Social Security Institutes and to the Judicial Bodies for the performance of operations connected and necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned obligations, tasks and purposes.

The Owner undertakes that his Personal Data cannot be disclosed other than the cases indicated above.

Owner and data processors

The Data Controller is the company ISGroup Srl, Via Cantarane, 14 - Verona (VR)- Italy, An internal figure with specific skills in the field has not been appointed as Data Processor.

For any need, you can contact the data controller directly with a written request to be delivered directly to the headquarters, sending it by ordinary mail or by email to the address privacy@isgroup.it.

Rights of the interested party

The EU Privacy Regulation (Chapter III, Section I) confers the exercise of specific rights in favor of the interested party, including:

  • Right of access - Obtain confirmation that a processing of personal data concerning you is in progress and, in this case, receive information regarding, among others: purpose of the treatment, categories of personal data processed and retention period, recipients to whom these may be press releases (article 15, GDPR);
  • Right to rectification - Obtain, without undue delay, the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning you and the integration of incomplete personal data (article 16, GDPR);
  • Right to cancellation - Obtain, without undue delay, the cancellation of personal data concerning you, in the cases provided for by the GDPR (article 17, GDPR);
  • Right of limitation - Obtain the limitation of processing from the Joint Data Controllers, in the cases provided for by the GDPR (article 18, GDPR);
  • Right to portability - Receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning you provided to the Joint Data Controllers and to obtain that they are transmitted to another holder without impediments, in the cases provided for by the GDPR (article 20, GDPR) ;
  • Right to object - Oppose the processing of personal data concerning you, unless there are legitimate reasons for the Joint Data Controllers to continue processing (article 21, GDPR);
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - Propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data, Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121, 00186, Rome (RM).

To exercise your rights or to obtain information relating to the possible transfer of your data to a third country, you can contact the company directly ISGroup Srl, Via Cantarane, 14 - Verona (VR)- Italy, At the number tel. 045 4853232, send a message to the mailbox privacy@isgroup.it or a written communication addressed to the Company.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial appeal, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, if you believe that the treatment that concerns you violates the EU Privacy Regulation.

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